
Mars is a planet.  It is also called the red planet.  Nobody has been on Mars yet.  NASA only sent rovers to observe the planet.  Mars also has a north pole and a south pole.  Mars is very cold, so you would need to wear a spacesuit if you could go there.  Did you know that scientists are looking for life forms on Mars?  Mars is four planets away from the sun.  Did you know that Mars is the last planet of the terrestrial planets, and terrestrial means a planet that is made mostly out of metal and rock?  Also, Mars is named after the mythological Roman god of war, and Mars is the second smallest planet.  Mars is about 227,940,000 kilometers from the sun.  It has 37% of the gravity here on the earth.  so you can jump three times higher there.  The tallest mountain in the solar system is on Mars, and it is called Olympus Mons.  Mars has the biggest dust storms that cover the whole planet for months.  It takes 687 Earth days for Mars to go around the sun.